
the place - a community - our home

Invitation Preliminary work for the founding meeting

On May 22, we Jagstheim citizens* were invited by the local council to the topic “Citizens help citizens”. A lot has happened since that day.

On July 24, another information meeting was held, from which a working group was formed, which can also imagine the board.

On August 17, Mrs. Binder, Mrs. Schwarz and Mrs. Wigh-Espenlaub sat together, thought about a suitable name for the association, worked out a possible statute, the possible purpose of the association and several proposals for the logo and presented this together to the local council.

Here we are pleased about very positive feedback and full support.

Now we want to take the chance to sit down together with you to discuss the content of the planned founding meeting on 17.10. to be worked out in advance.


  • Presentation of the working group
  • what happened so far (name, logos and statutes)
  • Elaboration of the Articles of Association (*
  • Schedule of contributions
  • Other

Here we propose the following date and look forward to your registration and active participation

Thursday, 05.10. at 7 pm at the Hirsch Inn

A small foretaste offers our Jagshteimer homepage -> citizen network Jagstheim – Jagstheim

Feel free to contribute your ideas, suggestions or criticism, every voice will be heeded.

We would be pleased if you would share this with your friends and relatives.

Kind regards

Working Group Citizen Network Jagstheim
Irene Binder, Rainer Probst, Eva-Elisabeth Schwarz and Geli Wigh-Espenlaub

* We want to finalize the bylaws to the point where they can be submitted to the tax office for non-profit review. (This must already be done before the founding meeting).